Thursday, September 18, 2008

Natual does not equal a natural disaster

So this morning, I saw something that gave me pause. There was this sister dressed to the nines, or at least she thought she was, with her knock off Chanel boucle jacket, pencil skirt with the seam stretched past endurance and pumps (which would not be complete without the taps of her shoes in desperate need of repair) that had seen better days. With all of this going wrong, none of this was worse that what sat upon her head -- A NO-FRO!!!

For those who aren't in the know, a no-fro is a purported descendant of the much lauded and praised Afro. Beginning in the late 60s, the Afro, or natural, was a sign of pride, of dignity and most importantly, acceptance of your hair's natural texture. Afros were well-groomed and well-trimmed. And, even though the hair's texture could be anything - nappy, curly, kinky or any other texture or combination of textures that the wearer's hair could muster, the most important facet of a "tight 'fro" was that it was neat and created a gentle halo around the wearer's head. However, the no-fro is quite the opposite. It is unkempt, disarrayed and wild. Hair grows all down the wearer's neck and looks like it has not been combed in days.

I do not understand the fascination with unkempt hair, but I will tell you what I understand, I understand that it is getting on everyone's daggone nerves. I am going to add some examples so that everyone understands the issue. It is one of grave importance and one that should be addressed as quickly as we address the economy...

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